Friday, November 2, 2012


I've been enjoying the sun and neglecting the blog. The sun is a wonderful thing, especially after living like a mole in Homer.

Besides a thorough cleaning of the house I've been doing some metal work and will take pictures in the next day or two. I'll post photos from our trip down, too... maybe. I can't promise. I don't want to sit inside at the computer for long.

So, our proposed sale of this house is being set on the back burner for a few more years. After talking with an agent we learned just how much the real estate market here sucks, and it really isn't a good time to try to sell. I would rather sell the Homer place, but we'll see how Bob deals with that next year. I love Alaska and Homer is a gorgeous place, but the cold, short, rainy summers Homer has now are not enjoyable. I want to summer in a more pleasant climate. Like Sequim, WA. We would be close enough we could drive down and actually enjoy the pool from time to time.

The town burros stopped by near midnight at the full moon. It was nearly bright as day as I watched from the deck. Tag was beside himself with happiness. He followed them at the fence giving the border collie eye. A big white female seemed just as fascinated with him and they were nose to nose for a long time. Her baby would creep in for a sniff, Tag would snap, the baby jump and run. Two young males jousted and it was fun to see them all again.

The coyote pack is healthy. They yip and yowl every night. Tux takes off after any that come too close, but I think she has forgotten how limiting her hips are and limps badly after a night chasing 'yotes. Might be necessary to lock her in at night.

I put out a feeder for the hummingbird. There appear to be two now. The phainopepla are here for the winter, quail coo softly in the morning and we found tail feathers of what I think is a common poorwill. We've seen a few taratulas on the prowl in the evening, and tarantula hawk wasps are attracted when I water the plants. No rattlesnakes though we watch carefully, thank goodness.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...