Thought I would start posting the various ways we prepare salmon. Fish is our main source of protein and we have a freezer full of reds. When you eat fish three or four times a week you have to get creative with recipes. Bob came up with this method and it is one of my favorites. There is no dry meat cooking it this way.
Beautiful red salmon filet |
First step is removing bones. Best time to do this is just before the filet is completely thawed. The bones will pull right out without mushing up the meat. I use needle-nosed pliers to grab and pull. The white spots to the right of the mid-line are the cut ends of the bones. You can feel them if you run your finger down that line. The bones angle to the right in this picture. I leave the skin on for cooking.
Pull out the bones |
De-boned filet |
Salt and pepper and add whatever might be tasty with the rest of the meal. Garlic, onions, peppers are always good, but tonight it was simply salt, pepper and dill. Add oil to just cover the bottom of the pan. My favorite oils for this are grapeseed or walnut because of their mild flavor. When the oil is hot put the salmon in skin down, cover with the large leaves of a green, like chard, and cover the pan. I think this is rapini leaves in the picture. We get greens from the CSA every week and have no idea what most of them are.
Cover with greens |
Cook covered till done |
Turn the heat to low and cook about 15 minutes or until done. No turning. Time depends on size of cut. The meat will lift right up off the skin and be moist and tender.