Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A little rain is a good thing

Summer solstice already! The days begin to grow shorter.

 A dark cloud cover grew this morning so we rushed out to finish spreading topsoil on the new garden areas. The foundation planting was finished yesterday (the shrubs and trees) and I wanted to distribute wildflower seeds before the rain. As the rain came down I moved inside to paint my shop. Only one wall left to do.

Above, the front garden yesterday before the rain.

This is the sloping bed behind the garage. We planted Hansa roses here to form a hedge (someday).
In ten years all this might look impressive. But for now, not so much.

A few days ago we noticed the killdeer chicks on the Spit had hatched so today we stopped to check out the nest. One egg was abandoned; must have been defective. 
Correction: NOT killdeer. Semi-palmated Plover!


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...