Our oak trees are turning red for the first time, according to neighbors. I am so happy. They are beautiful!
We've been trimming sheep feet again. Bob tipped them to immobilize them on their backs while I did the trimming. It went pretty well until we got to Timmi who fought like a demon and knocked Bob down, twisting his previously sprained ankle. It was the first time Bob had tried this technique and he carried on like a trooper to finish the job but is sure hurting now. This ranching stuff takes a toll on an old body.
After trimming, Hattie helped get the sheep to a temporary pen out front where there is a lot of grass growing. She is really good with them and they are comfortable with her now, even walking by her to get to the hay while she sits in the barn doorway. I have to let her go in for a nip or a grab when they get belligerent, challenging her and stomping their feet, just to remind them she is boss. These boys are full grown now and pretty big but Hattie has a lot of confidence and isn't intimidated. And there is nothing she likes more than bossing these guys around.