Friday, January 29, 2016

Two Ducks a-laying

A storm is blowing in today. Crazy wind. This was a nice surprise to find when I let the ducks out of their house.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Walk to the Beach

Winter storms drastically changed the beach trail. The lagoon was opened when all the log debris washed out so now the creek flows steadily into the ocean, but it makes for easy access to the beach when tide is low.

The bluff collapsed destroying all the stairs that had provided means to the beach for many years, and even the tree that served as the eagles' perch was washed away. 

Pictures of the dogs playing on the beach. Tux and Hattie have become close friends already.

Friday, January 22, 2016


Porcelain, actually. I'm several weeks into the e-course, first week doing pinch pots (aggravating my carpal tunnel), then doing two different thrown forms. Results below, before trimming, which we do next week. My right hand is stiff and swollen today. The garage is cold and damp, even sitting between two blasting heaters, so I don't enjoy spending much time in there working. Looking forward to finishing my little shed/studio which is small enough to actually get warm when a heater is running.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hattie Sick / Pasta

Hattie had a rough night. Lots of vomiting, today diarrhea. Trying to limit her activity (haha) and feed a bland diet until she's over this thing. There must be some law among dogs that the most expensive rugs, furniture, whatever, in the house is what you throw up, pee, poop or bleed on. With all wood floors and a bunch of cheap throw rugs spread throughout the house, somehow the messes always end up on the nice wool rugs.

You can't possibly mean me!

I tackled homemade pasta today. Result below. I bought attachments for my Kitchenaid mixer after having a delicious dinner at the neighbor's. He has a very old pasta machine that belonged to his Italian grandmother but those machines really need two people, one to crank and one to handle the dough. The Kitchenaid attachment does the cranking so I can work alone. It's pasta and pesto salmon for dinner tonight. For the people, not the dogs.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A Gift From the Ducks

What a surprise. I was not expecting to find anything at this time of year and almost overlooked it in the duck house this morning. I think it is Emerald's. Bob is preparing to eat it!

First egg

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Nothing is happening

Boring, routine days. We've done some chores in the garden, cleaning up flower beds and preparing for another go at veggies. The most exciting thing is filling up the duck pool now it's warmed enough. This morning the ducks came running after me quacking like mad because I hadn't given them enough water. Had to go back and finish the job before they would calm down. And so it seems I am enslaved by ducks as well as dogs.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...