Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Critter

Some critter has taken to eating the cactus buds just before they open so I am back to using cages on these low growing cactus during the flower season.

I spread some river rock to create a backbone for additional plantings.

What could be more stunning than a brilliant yellow flower on a purple cactus?

Tux Update: She's been eating two or three good meals a day.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pictures from the garden

We're usually gone before the garden starts blooming so I'm excited to see all the color.

Local burro visits 
Deadly spines
Tarantula Hawk wasp on blooming milkweed
Has the most painful sting of all North American insects.
Bug in flower 
Palo Verde humming with bees
Tiny pincushion flower and fruit
Bee in cactus flower 
Purple 'Santa Rita' with yellow flower forming

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Back to the Wheel

Strawberry hedgehog
I'm disappointed and not with my latest firing. Very disappointed that several of the pieces bloated despite a slow bisque firing to Cone 04. Disappointed that the glazes ran too much and sealed several pieces to the kiln shelf or the catch plates and really damaged the bottoms of otherwise nice work. But, I am pleased with the glaze combinations on this clay (Sedona red). Just need to play around with glaze density and firing temperature. The glaze fire was set for Cone 6 with a ten minute hold and appears to have gone to Cone 7. I'll reduce to Cone 5 next time. Not sure what happened with the bloating. The bad pieces were all on the bottom shelf which wasn't overloaded, but maybe the air circulation was inadequate to allow all the gases to escape since this clay has more organics to burn out. I'll try increasing the venting next time. So I have a lot more yard art. Bob says it's a good thing we're going to have two yards, the smart ass.  So, it's back to the wheel for me, and we'd better get serious about finding a place in Washington with a really big yard.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chalet Tires

Bob found strange wear on one of the Chalet tires. We'll need to take care of that before heading to Washington. Also noticed the shock cords are badly frayed and need to be replaced. The white flakes of material we'd been finding on the trailer floor last year were apparently flakes of the bungees. Pictures below.

So this is another delay that provides a little more time for Tux to stabilize before we head out. I'm afraid the stress of traveling will be too much for her. The medication to increase her appetite is working but there is something that turns her away from the food. Maybe a strange taste in her mouth. Seems like when I am able to get some yogurt into her she becomes ravenous for a short time.  I cram as much food into her then as she can take. Poor dog. Can't seem to make any progress on this disease.

Wear on inside of tire in this area...

...but much less wear here. Same tire. 

Definitely time to replace the bungees!


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...