My days, for the most part, have been consumed with caring for the dogs. Tux turned the corner Monday with a return of appetite, alertness and energy. Must have been Friday she was in such bad shape I was certain she wouldn't survive the night. Throughout the day I was offering bites of burger, bacon, eggs, but she had no interest in eating, no strength to chew, could barely even get off her mat. But she survived the first, and hardest, week of Fluconazole and we are moving forward.
Hooper is doing well on the kidney diet, at least I would never know anything was wrong with her. She sleeps a lot, same as Tag, and her joints are bothering her but she still has that Border Collie attitude. Looking at buying foam blocks that set up as a ramp so she can get up and down the furniture on her own.
Tag is insanely jealous of the attention Tux gets now and I'm noticing a lot of raised lips and snipping at her when he thinks I'm not looking. He won't easily give up his position as top dog no matter how old he gets. He's also into this burro/horse poop eating obsession all of a sudden and the other dogs are beginning to think there must be something good about, too. Sheesh. Dogs.

Bob got a little house hunting done in Sequim. Not much impressed. Prices seemed high for what you get. I'm starting to think we won't find what we want there. Trees were cleared from the area for dairy farms long ago, and eventually the farmers decided their property was worth more being sold off as subdivisions than farms, so much of the development is houses on small acreages of old pastureland without any mature trees. The housing lacks individuality until you get to the very expensive stuff. So, I'm thinking maybe Olympia or even further south in western WA we might find more options. Buyers expressing an interest in our desert cabin add more pressure to find something sooner rather than later. But with the dogs needing so much medical care, especially with Valley Fever experience, I am dragging my feet on leaving the desert as soon as Bob wants.